艺术家 Artist
胡德天(Vincent Woo), 20 世纪 40 年代出生于上海,曾师从颜文樑、张充仁、哈定、王己千等大师。胡先生善于用色彩构图来表达感情,塑造意境。从他的画作上能看出其对于完美的理想与浪漫主义的憧憬,这似乎是源于他毕业离校后数十载异国、异地从事设计工作的经历。
策展人 Curator
李睿(Rui Li),毕业于四川传媒学院雕塑系,于深圳市木星美术馆策展部工作至今,曾参与多场大型群展、个展的策划与执行工作。
展览时间|Duration Time
2023.06.07 - 2023.06.11
深圳市福田区蓝花道6号木星美术馆 实验展厅
主办单位 | Host
协办单位 | Co-host
Explore international culture and indulge in the joyous moment of "Fun Time" among flowers.
The 19th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair (referred to as "ICIF") will be held in Shenzhen for a period of five days. "Flower Journey 2 - Vincent Woo Solo Exhibition," as a supporting cultural event of the 19th China (Shenzhen) ICIF in Futian District, will be showcased at the experimental exhibition hall of Jupiter Museum of Art in Shenzhen from June 7th, 2023, to June 11th, 2023. The exhibition will once again invite artist Vincent Woo to continue his solo exhibition series "Flower Journey," featuring over 40 paintings with flowers as the main theme, including elements of landscapes, animals, and more. This exhibition is a public welfare event.
The art of flowers lies in the delicate arrangement between them. Artist Vincent Woo depicts the graceful postures of flowers with colorful curves, capturing the elegance of lilies, the charm of irises, the delicacy of daisies, and the unrestrained beauty of blooming roses, vividly summarizing the beauty of the details of floral imagery.
In a series of works, we can also feel the artist Vincent Woo's creativity through the composition of the paintings. He uses simple and flat color blocks as the main expressive elements, with several groups of contrasting or similar color blocks as embellishments and complements, further highlighting the sense of composition in his works.
Vincent Woo is skilled at exploring the expressive power of contrasting brushstrokes in his paintings. He enjoys using irregular repetitions to create a sense of formal beauty in the artwork, layering color blocks of different sizes and shapes, forming a colorful treasure.
People love flowers, and artist Vincent Woo combines these captivating natural elements with his paintings, presenting a unique artistic sense. He captures their beauty before the flowers wither, preserving their beautiful postures while giving them new life through the artist's expression. The flowers bloom, and this vitality continues in the artwork.
Vincent Woo, born in Shanghai in the 1940s, studied under masters such as Yan Wenliang, Zhang Chongren, Hardin, and Wang Jiqian. Mr. Woo is adept at using color composition to express emotions and create a mood. His paintings reveal his yearning for perfection and romanticism, which seems to stem from his experience of working in design in different countries and places for several decades after graduation.
Rui Li, graduated from the Sculpture Department of Sichuan Media College and has been working in the Curatorial Department of Jupiter Museum of Art in Shenzhen. She has participated in the planning and execution of numerous large-scale group exhibitions and solo exhibitions.
Exhibition Duration:
2023.06.07 - 2023.06.11
Experimental Exhibition Hall, Jupiter Museum of Art, No. 6 Blue Flower Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
People's Government of Futian District, Shenzhen
Futian District Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism, and Sports
Jupiter Museum of Art, Shenzhen
Muyake Technology and Culture Co., Ltd., Shenzhen
Party Working Committee (Office) of Fubao Street, Shenzhen