《三人行》鸥洋/雷双/张岚芊 艺术展
2023年6月3日,由深圳市艺术产业促进会主办,木星美术馆联合主办的《三人行》鸥洋/雷双/张岚芊 艺术展 将在木星美术馆B、C展厅展出,本次展览为公益展。
前言 / 陈观亨
在中国传统文化中,“语境”、“意境” 或 “意象”是创作过程的重要思路,这其实与西方的“抽象”有着异曲同工之妙。中国自古以来就有抽象的表达方式,刘勰(xié)曾在《文心雕龙·物色》中记载:“岁有万物,物有其容;情以物迁,辞以情发。” 又或 “体物为妙,功在密附。”等词句精辟地概括了创作与“物”本源的关系,其本身就是一种抽象化的创作思维方式,在中国的历史长河中,这也早就成为了传统文化中一种感性的认知体系。
“In Chinese traditional culture, “context,” “mood,” or “imagery” are important ideas in the creative process. This is similar to the Western concept of “abstraction.” The expression of abstraction has existed since ancient times. In “Wen Xin Diao Long,” Liu Xie recorded that “there are ten thousand things in a year, each with its appearance; emotions change with things, and words express emotions.” Or “Depiction of things is ingenious, and the skill lies in being closely attached.” These concise statements summarize the relationship between creation and the origin of “things.” It is itself a way of thinking about abstract creation. In China’s long history, this has also become a perceptual-cognitive system in traditional culture.
In the 1980s, after experiencing a large influx of modern Western art into China, many Chinese artists attempted to explore and probe contemporary “abstract” art. However, due to the deep-rooted cultural differences between China and the West, as well as differences in ways of thinking about cognitive systems, a large number of modern abstract artworks with vital Eastern humanistic context mixed in with them emerged. This unique Chinese abstract art also provides more possibilities and a new artistic system for contemporary Chinese art.”
“The three artists use abstraction as a form of expression, which is not simply a formal expression of natural objects, but rather an artistic language that reflects the artist’s self-awareness and concepts. This process is a rational behavior after thinking, but we can explore powerful emotional thoughts when we look at their works. It is precisely the collision between “rationality” and “sensibility” that allows artists to maintain clarity and passion in the process of abstracting and summarizing natural objects, or even transcend rationality.”
鸥洋 (Yang Ou),1937年生,广州美术学院教授、中国油画学会理事、法籍著名画家赵无极学生。早期作品风格倾向写实,1985年开始“东方意象”油画学术探索,鸥详首先提出“意象油画”,被艺评家评为“中国最早举起意象油画旗帜的人”、“为中国油画本土化提供了具有学术价值的范例”,其作品受到国内外关注。曾获美国加州政府颁发的荣誉奖,中国美术馆、广东美术馆、中国驻英大使馆均有收藏。
雷双(Shuang Lei),祖籍湖南长沙,生于书香世家。祖父雷恪及伯、叔祖父在中国美术史上被称为“湘史三杰”。家居北京。国家一级美术师。中央美术学院油画系第五届创研班毕业,此前中文系本科毕业。
2021年入选亚洲影响力TOP100顶尖当代艺术家榜单(BNAAC亚太艺术研究中心/比佛利北美当代艺术中心)。由哈佛大学出版、由美国艺术史学者撰写的《身体的印刻与性别的经典:当代中国的女性艺术(Inscribing the Body and Gendering the Canon: Women’s Art in Contemporary China.)》有专题介绍雷双艺术的学术性分析并刊载四幅艺术作品。本人撰写的文章散见于各类艺术及文学刊物,著有二十万字的《玫瑰.岩石—雷双的话与画》及《雷双.非常花》。
张岚芊(Lanqian Zhang),现居中国深圳。毕业于长沙理工大学设计艺术学院。2009年弃商专艺,受教于栗宪庭老师。2015年至2019年11月旅居欧洲绘画创作、展览。
社会职务:深圳市艺术产业促进会创会副会长兼秘书长;长沙理工大学设计艺术院校客座教授;北京意象油画研究院常务副院长;意大利巴杰罗国家美术馆(Museo Nazionale del Bargello)、美第奇家族礼拜堂(Cappelle Medicee)、佛罗伦萨圣弥额尔教堂(Orsanmichele)当代艺术顾问;荷兰白立方合作艺术家。
Academic Director
陆蓉之(Rongzhi Lu),祖籍上海,1951年出生于台湾,1970年代初期移民美国;1980年代将英文curator一字翻译为“策展人”,是中国当代艺术圈内以中文书写最早的女性艺评家及策展人,自创英文名称来推动「动漫美学(ANIMAMIX)」、「潮艺术(URBART)」等当代艺术风潮,跨界电影制片及导演。
现任:台北实践大学创意产业博士班博导;西班牙加泰罗尼亚电影和视听研究学院(ESCAC) 「电影商业与管理硕士班」主任;西班牙巴塞罗那大学「潮美学(URBAart)、艺术与新视听研究所」主任;英国伦敦ASIA FILM PLUS影视文化公司创意总监;华瀚文创集团整策师(Curategist)及《奥斯卡大师中国讲坛》创始主持人(Founding Director)。2020年陆蓉之完成了她生平第一部自导自演的艺术影片《答应你Re:Promises》,与青年导演赵伯祚联合执导,与傅申深情联合演出,描写一家四老如何奋斗老龄化社会的高龄家庭,同时保有并崇扬中国的孝道,一家人勇敢面对老人失智失能的悲欢人生。
吕红荣(Hongrong Lv),西班牙巴塞罗那大学硕士研究生,深圳市木星美术馆创始人,深圳市木雅科技文化有限公司董事长,曾担任海外版《艺术》杂志国际委员,长期从事文物、艺术展览策划工作,致力于公共艺术事业的传播与推广。
About Curator
陈观亨(Guanheng Chen),青年策展人,生于1989年,目前工作生活于深圳。2013年毕业于广州美术学院版画系,2016-2021年任广州觀空间艺术总监,现深圳市木星美术馆策展总监,致力于研究当代艺术作品与空间的关系和陈设。
Di Qiang、Yubo Wang
JiaFan Wei
2023.06.03 — 2023.07.02
Yang Ou (鸥洋), born in 1937, is a professor at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, a member of the Chinese Oil Painting Society, and a student of the renowned French painter Zao Wou-Ki. His early works leaned towards realism, but in 1985, he began to explore the academic field of "Oriental Imagery" in oil painting. Yang Ou was the first to propose the concept of "imagery oil painting," which was recognized by art critics as the pioneer of imagery oil painting in China and a valuable example for the localization of Chinese oil painting. His works have received attention both domestically and internationally and are collected by institutions such as the National Art Museum of China, Guangdong Art Museum, and the Chinese Embassy in the UK. He has also received honorary awards from the California government in the United States.
Shuang Lei (雷双), originally from Changsha, Hunan Province, is from a scholarly family. Her grandfather, Lei Ke, and great-uncles are known as the "Three Outstanding Artists in Xiang History" in Chinese art history. She currently resides in Beijing and holds the title of National First-Class Artist. Shuang Lei graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in the fifth creation and research class. In 2021, she was selected as one of the Top 100 Influential Contemporary Artists in Asia by the BNAAC Asia-Pacific Art Research Center and the Beverly North American Contemporary Art Center. Her artwork is featured in the book "Inscribing the Body and Gendering the Canon: Women's Art in Contemporary China," published by Harvard University and written by an American art historian. Shuang Lei's articles have been published in various art and literary publications, and she has written two books: "Rose.Rock: Shuang Lei's Words and Paintings" and "Shuang Lei. Extraordinary Flowers."
Lanqian Zhang (张岚芊), currently residing in Shenzhen, China, graduated from the School of Design and Art at Changsha University of Science and Technology. In 2009, she abandoned her business career to pursue art and studied under the guidance of the renowned artist Li Xianting. From 2015 to November 2019, she lived in Europe for painting creation and exhibitions. Zhang holds several social positions, including Vice President and Secretary-General of the Shenzhen Art Industry Promotion Association, Visiting Professor at Changsha University of Science and Technology School of Design and Art, Executive Vice President of the Beijing Imagery Oil Painting Research Institute, and Contemporary Art Consultant for Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Cappelle Medicee, and Orsanmichele in Florence, Italy. She is also a collaborating artist with White Cube in the Netherlands.
Rongzhi Lu (陆蓉之), originally from Shanghai and born in Taiwan in 1951, immigrated to the United States in the early 1970s. In the 1980s, she translated the English term "curator" into Chinese as "策展人" (ce zhan ren), making her one of the earliest female art critics and curators writing in Chinese in the field of contemporary art in China. She coined the terms "ANIMAMIX" and "URBART" to promote contemporary art trends and also ventured into film production and directing. Lu has held various positions, including Art Director of the Bund 18 Creative Center in Shanghai, Creative Director of the Shanghai Contemporary Art Museum, Director of the Moon River Contemporary Art Museum in Beijing, Creative Director of Today Art Museum, and Visiting Professor at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan and the Institute of Fashion and Media Studies at Shih Chien University in Taipei. She has also served as a curator for the International Art Foundation in California, a board member of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum Foundation, and a Visiting Professor in the Art History and Criticism Department at Shanghai University School of Fine Arts. Currently, Lu is the doctoral supervisor of the Creative Industries Doctoral Program at Shih Chien University, the director of the "Film Business and Management Master's Program" at the Catalonia Film and Audiovisual Research Institute (ESCAC) in Spain, the director of the "URBAart and Art and New Audiovisual Research Institute" at the University of Barcelona in Spain, the Creative Director of Asia Film Plus in London, and the Chief Curator of the Huanhan Creative Group. In 2020, Lu directed her first self-directed and self-acted art film, "Re:Promises," in collaboration with young director Zhao Bozuo and actor Fu Shen, portraying the life of an elderly family facing dementia and disability while upholding and promoting filial piety in China.
Hongrong Lv (吕红荣) holds a Master's degree from the University of Barcelona in Spain. She is the founder of the jupiter museum of art in Shenzhen and the Chairman of Muya Technology and Culture Co., Ltd. She has served as an international committee member for the overseas edition of the "Art" magazine and has long been engaged in the planning of cultural and art exhibitions, dedicating herself to the promotion and dissemination of public art.
Guanheng Chen (陈观亨) is a young curator born in 1989 and currently based in Shenzhen. He graduated from the Printmaking Department of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 2013. From 2016 to 2021, he served as the Art Director of Guan Space in Guangzhou. He is currently the Curator General of the jupiter museum of art in Shenzhen, focusing on the relationship between contemporary artworks and exhibition space design.