Since the early 1980s, Beijing has become the first choice for artists to emigrate from all over the country. However, artists were also destined to fall into the vortex of re-wandering due to the characteristic of Beijing as a political center. The constantly changing societies generated memories, while the memories sometimes give rise to comprehensive art achievements, notably the performance art, photography and installation in the 1990s.
This work Above Water, Under Water is to grasp the sensitivity of existence as flow, with the symbol of fire and water, mutual resistance and growth as the theme of Tao. Huang Rui preserved them from the disappearing memories with his unique and refined techniques, making the installation works that keep evolving.
Rong Rong and Xing Danwen are the most representative photographers of the 1990s, and their works back then keep interacting here.
《水之下·水之上》Beneath and Beyond Water
黄锐作品 | 脸盆装置 | 288x480cm
《夜梦-6》Dream No.6
黄锐作品 | 布⾯油画 | 104.5 × 74.5cm
1983- 2015

《夜梦-7》Dream No.7
黄锐作品 | 布⾯油画 | 74.5 × 104.5cm
1983- 2015
《⽔墙·⽕墙》 荣荣 Water and FireWall
黄锐作品 |银盐 | 40×60cm
《⽔墙·⽕墙》 荣荣 Water and FireWall
黄锐作品 |银盐 | 40×60cm
《⽔墙·⽕墙》 荣荣 Water and FireWall
黄锐作品 |银盐 | 60×40cm
《⽔墙·⽕墙》 荣荣 Water and FireWall
黄锐作品 |银盐 | 40×60cm
《⽔墙·⽕墙》 邢丹⽂ Water and FireWall
黄锐作品 |艺术微喷 | 40×60cm
《⽔墙·⽕墙》 邢丹⽂ Water and FireWall
黄锐作品 |艺术微喷 | 40×60cm
《门廊里的流动的月光》 Floating Moonlight No.5
黄锐作品 |布⾯油画 | 154 × 90 cm
《三⼗六计(⼗⼋计)》 36 Stratagems(18)
黄锐作品 |装置 | 尺⼨可变
The Thirty-six Stratagems by Sun Tzu is a unique collection of ancient Chinese proverbs that describe some of the most cunning and subtle war tactics ever devised. Huang Rui transformed them into limited space and infinite outlets. This is a piece that Huang made in his Beijing studio in 1994. Another 18 are on view at the UCCA Beijing.