“2002年,黄锐又回到北京,一眼相中了798工业区的场地,这是他的敏感。他最早租用了798的厂房,改造成他在北京的第一间工作室兼居所。我那时是他工作室的常客,同时他利用他在日本时与前畑幸人的关系,引荐日本著名的东京画廊在798建立了分支机构,成为第一家在798艺术区落户 (含全中国) 的国外画廊。他还特别为东京画廊挑选了最具包豪斯建筑风格的厂房,就在他工作室的隔壁。
"In 2002, Huang Rui returned to Beijing and was keenly interested in the site of 798 Industrial Zone out of his sensitivity. He rented the factory in 798 and transformed it into his first studio and residence in Beijing, to which I was a usual visitor at that time. At the same time, based on his close contact with Yukihito Tabata during his stay in Japan, he introduced the famous Tokyo Gallery in Japan to establish a branch in 798, making it the first foreign gallery to settle in 798 Art Zone (and in China). He also chose the factory site with the most Bauhaus style for the Tokyo Gallery, which was next door to his studio.
At that time, Huang Rui gradually became one of the founders and promoters for the 798 Art Zone (formerly named as Dashanzi Art Zone) by virtue of his personal energy and good relationship with the 798 Property Management Company. He always protects the rights and interests of artists, mediates their orderly existence and development, gradually transforming the 798 as an abandoned factory into the only name card representing the contemporary culture in Beijing."
- Feng Boyi

蓝⾊抽象》 Blue Abstraction

黄锐作品 | 布⾯油画 | 80.8 × 59.5 cm


红⾊北京印象》 Red Beijing Image

黄锐作品 | 布⾯油画 | 84.3 × 59.5 cm


四青(青史垂名/青出于蓝/青云直上/青梅⽵ 马)Four Blue

黄锐作品 | 布⾯油画 | 135×75 cmx4


《黄⾊抽象Yellow Abstraction

黄锐作品 | 布⾯油画 | 129.5 × 89cm